EDIT: Why do atheists say these phrases with no proof to back it up? - christian phrase to write in sympathy card
The three most important are:
1. Most perpetrators are Christians.
2. Most people who break the children are Christians.
3.Most wars are started by Christianity.
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A1. Most are former Christians or Christian to be in prison.
A2. Flat out evidence.
A3. I guess you could say a couple of wars for thousands of years to have a cause of Christianity.
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Here are the atheists are saying that these sentences:
(4answers see below)
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...
(9answers see below)
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...
(2 hits)
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...
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Web sites that false information on the subject:
(This page has the wrong number, each with a calculator, you can see.)
http://www.abortionno.org/Resources/fast ...
(This site is for allknowing false information. It was written by an atheist to attack Christianity, and not for someone who is informing the public, otherwise it would be a great standard offering.)
That's what I heard:
1) Atheists are less numerous in prison than the general population (in reply to "Atheists are immoral or criminal. References to Christianity in general shows the proportions of the prison population to be just. And I could not see the Example of the time)
2) Never heard of them, however, that not many Christians, abortion is probably correct, if not the majority. (In fact is, since most women are in the United States Christians, be over, at least there)
3) The religion usually start most wars. Christianity is a religion major, so many were opened, but no more. (Even his example, said that religion and Christianity) does not
With regard to the statement to be very different, even without evidence.
In addition, support 99% of the religion of statements without evidence to support them.
1. Atheists are indeed in the prison, which is represented verified by the Department of Justice, but not because of atheism, is due to the formation. Educated people are less likely to commit crimes and more likely an atheist.
2. Also the education level rises, does the age at first presentation. As an atheist does not mean that you are less likely to abort that baby, brought up to say, an atheist, you have less chance of getting pregnant younger and more likely.
3. This is just a nonsense. Of course, people have used Christianity to tempt people to pull the war, but Christianity was not the cause.
I am inclined to believe that
A) Most criminals are religious
B) Most people who stop religious children are
C) Most wars are created by greed, but received mostly from the religious standpoint on the support of the masses.
What is not the specific religion really, because in my view, they are all fundamentally the same.
Why do Christians say, save it when I back up Jesus again with evidence?
Why do Christians say there is a God without evidence to back up?
What is the answer to your question. I have no idea whether it formulate a truth in one of the three countries, except of course the third, I would say that most wars were started because of religion. There are a lot of data available to prove it. Read a history book.
1. No evidence.
2. I've never seen before. It might be true. Perhaps because atheists are a minority? Logically, this means that most people do what they are not atheists.
3. Um. Well, I do not really see, and I'm too lazy to watch Znout whether it is true. Personally, I have no idea what caused the war, for example, Afghanistan (well, ok, it was a bad example, I know), and even less if most "wars caused by Christianity.
Hello ...
to answer your questions ... Please watch the documentary.
to speak of any religion.
Clicking on the page, so you can choose between two movies.
Do you want the movie click on the right "spirit of the film to make."
After seeing the second, you will probably be the first too!
Hello ...
to answer your questions ... Please watch the documentary.
to speak of any religion.
Clicking on the page, so you can choose between two movies.
Do you want the movie click on the right "spirit of the film to make."
After seeing the second, you will probably be the first too!
1. I do not know, I think we are fighting Bullsh * t Bullsh * t
2. It is a fact, my friend.
3. I want the word "Christianity" change to "religion".
Stop playing the victim. The religion of the victim has almost everything that comes into contact with people who have walked on this earth.
I, as an atheist, never heard or said these things.
The proof ...
and linking to others and answers are not exacly 'test' ...
Also posting the same question again and again is contrary to the guidelines and you will receive your questioon removed and blocked may youyr account ... FYI.
Adolf Hitler was a Christian. The same with all the priests who molested children. Enough said.
The Crusades, the Holocaust and the war in the Middle East are the results of Christianity. Not only is happening now, but has in recent history.
Why do Christians take the Bible verses for us? It is the same. Atheism is not believing, not morality - we should not on the finger at someone.
As a Christian, is not good for you as an atheist does not make evil. You can configure your own morality itself! We all are, and we must say that our representative will give a positive right.
Atheists are not geniuses, so many assumptions without any real statistics. However, compared to the assumption that religious people tend to be large, it is hard to beat.
Your answer is here, if they had sought.
Atheists do at least 8-10% of the U.S. population but only about 0.2% of the prison population in the United States.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index? ...
The first is that PPL who say their Christians, and they want people think it's good. because if it really true Christian, that woulnt do these things.
so that its PPL just trying to cover themselves, even what I think.
I've heard the exact testimony of Christians against atheists. Conclusion: The world is unknown.
Calculators test sites are a myth right. I think that accept only information that in the Bible?
Request at a time and displays the error was an opportunity to learn something.
Ask the same ...
troll ...
Since Christianity is the largest religion in the world, it is likely that some or all statements are true. But that proves nothing.
Theres no evidence to support anything. So ... everybody says everything that can be wrong.
Babies are not aborted. Maybe you want to search for the word "fruit" (or "fetus" if you are a British git)
Sorry, but please prove the existence of God.
This is the most obvious answer that we can find.
@ Rooker: Wow, really took us there. Way to go, tiger.
@ The question: First, this problem is widespread atheists. Never, never try to support one of these three points. Do you know why? Because they are usually wrong.
However, it is wrong to claim No. 3, was the religion an important factor in the creation of wars. And you might want to get your historical rights, joined the Crusades, only hundreds, not thousands of years. Think you argue it, only 2000 years of Christianity, and tried to conclude that "some wars are for several thousand years of Christianity) is, well, evil.
However, our flesh is not only Christianity, but religious fundamentalism in general. I mean, look at the 9 / 11 attacks. There were people who believed they were doing God's will, and were driven by the promises of heaven. Look at the kind of Kansas recently convicted of murdering a doctor in the abortion clinic. And again I thought he was God's work. When innocent faith is one thing, but agree with their beliefsify violence against others is another matter. And before you say that Christianity is nothing like Islam ... a stranger is almost the same.
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