Rotator cuff injury and Brufen - Anyone know the best cure for a shoulder injury? Any Drs/physios there? - rotator cuff injury treatment
8-9 months I was injured (R) shoulder - u / s shows "bicipital synovitis with medial subluxation and flattening of the long head of biceps. No less tearing of the subscapularis insertion of the above. (Rotator cuff), I get different opinions from doctors and physiotherapists get into treatment. Most of the doctors, (muscles), the strengthening and stretching exercises. My doctor says I must take Nurofen (less than Brufen), reduce inflammation and rest can heal. I'm pretty active muscles around the shoulder is a moderate anyway tense. Has anyone suffered a shoulder injury and a very wise piece of advice?
Hello Marceau
It is difficult to be sure what is happening, without examining the shoulder, but if you are the current symptoms after nearly nine months, then I think really probably needs further investigation. Ultrasound is a way to see the shoulder, but sometimes there are only a part of history.
If you are still pain after an MRI would be the next logical step in the development of exactly what happened. Would a significance that have the sleeve cuff ultrasound suggested - or perhaps the problem lies in the joint or in the rim around the joint.
I would like to see the document and ask to be referred to a specialist for shoulder
Hope that helps
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